San Gabriel Valley Airport

Getting around at the airport

Getting Started

Charath Ranganathan


July 5, 2024

AACIT’s aircraft are all based out of the San Gabriel Valley Airport in southern California. The airport’s ICAO identifier is KEMT.

The image above shows a general map of the airport, the location of the AACIT “flight line”, and the hangars where two more of the AACIT aircraft are located.

Airport Restaurant

The terminal building is home to the airport restaurant, Annia’s Kitchen, which is a popular hang out for locals and pilots alike. Annia’s can get extremely busy during the lunch hour on weekends (11:00AM - 1:00PM). So, if you are planning to meet your instructor for a meal, remember to arrive early and get your name on the list.


Some of the instructors get “special” treatment at Annia’s. So, check with your instructor if they are one of the special ones!


AACIT has an account with Billion Air aviation - a FBO (Fixed Base Operator) located at the airport. They will dispatch a fuel truck for fuel requests. Your instructor will give you more information on the specifics of fueling your aircraft.


Billion Air is not open 24x7. If you need fuel when they are closed, you will need to get fuel at the fuel pit and submit the bill when you close out your flight in AACIT’s scheduling system.

Fuel Pit (self-serve)

The fuel pit is located about midfield and is accessible 24x7. You will need to taxi your airplane to the fuel pit and use your credit card to get fuel.

Do NOT fuel the aircraft by yourself until your instructor has demonstrated how to safely fuel the aircraft and how to access the fuel pit.

AACIT Aircraft Locations

The majority of AACIT aircraft are located on row 22 - which is a short walk to the north of the terminal building.

Two AACIT aircraft – N98326 (C172) and N599PM (SR22) – are hangared. They are located in hangars B11 and A8 respectively. The hangars are secured with number locks and your instructor will tell you the combination to the hangars.

Oil and Supplies

There is a green box in row 22 which contains engine oil, oil funnels, and other maintenance supplies. The keys to the green box are found on the control locks in every aircraft. Remember to lock the green box after every use.

Additional oil and supplies are located in 98326’s hangar (B11). If you find that the supplies in the green box are running low, please be a good member and refill them with those from B11. Your fellow members will be much appreciative of your gesture.


There is a trash bin next to the green box. All trash from the aircraft (empty oil containers, food wrappers, etc.) should be disposed off in the trash bin and the lid secured by you.

It is important to secure the lid so that it doesn’t accidentally open in the prop wash of other aircraft and cause damage to aircraft. Your instructor will show you how to use the trash bin (even though its operation is fairly trivial).

Also, if the trash bin is full, please empty it and replace the bag from one that’s located at the bottom of the bin. If there are no empty bags at the bottom, please email the board and one of the board members will place some there.

Just like with the oil, we are highly appreciative of any members who help us by cleaning out the trash bin in a timely manner.

Trash bags can be disposed off in the trash containers located just south of the vehicle entrance to the airport. This entrance is just south of the terminal building and near the wash rack.


The closest restrooms to the AACIT flight line are on the south and north ends of hangar row A. The terminal building also houses restrooms.


Parking is in the main parking lot outside the terminal building.

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